Trevor Hayley
Funeral and Life Memorial Celebrant
A Caring Presence for you and your family so you can Celebrate a Life
Servicing Greater Adelaide, Fleurieu, South Coast and Adelaide Hills Regions of South Australia
Silence Over

Is there anybody out there? #37
This blog continues on the series ‘Is there anybody out there?” Feel free to read the previous chapters here
You have been neighbours for twenty years. You noticed something was up, and you had plucked up the courage to go and visit your neighbour Molly. Life was moving on, and Molly needed to feel free to embrace the unknown. The time for this amazing journey has come to an end.
You were making your own way down to the weekly porch session to meet with Molly. With all the new things Molly was embracing, it may be time for the porch sessions to end, and going home with Molly may be a bit too much to deal with. After all, it had been an amazing journey for you as well.
You recall the conversation from last week, ‘You are probably right,’ said Molly, ‘Patrick is in my life, now. What does that mean?’
You look into Molly’s eyes who were starting to tear, ‘you may not need me much longer. Don’t get me wrong, I have come to know you as a wonderful friend, and it hope it will continue, but you will not need me, and I cannot believe I am saying this, quite in the same way.’
In fact, the closer you go to the cafe, by the beach, you had been going to all this time, it really did feel like this was going to be the last time. You can remember the reluctance of Molly to show you the cafe in the first place, as it has been a special place for her and her departed husband, but had become quite special.
Molly was waiting for you, and was standing.
She was looking pensive.
‘Hello,’ she said, looking at you, ‘I have ordered your coffee and it will be here soon.’
It felt like a little ice was in the air.
‘Thank you, Molly,’ as you smiled back.
You sat in silence for a time, and then you realised given what you had said last time, you may need to drive the conversation at the start.
‘It’s time Molly.’
She looked at you with tears in her eyes, ‘yes I know. I just……just can’t beleive it.’
‘Neither can I, Molly, but your new life needs to start.’
‘It was funny you not being there. Patrick with his daughter, and me with Jessica. I was waiting for you to come in with one of those timely observations that you make. But there was nothing coming.’
You smiled, ‘how did it go Molly?’
‘The therapist was right. We did not make a big deal of the evening, and it just seemed to go well. No dramas and all good. Jessica and his daughter seemed to get on well, and Patrick was well received by her.’
Molly continued, ‘Jessica could see how happy we were together, and so it dd not take much convincing.’
‘So maybe all the stars have aligned?’
‘Yes it would seem. In fact the evening went so well……..’
You knew what was coming, ‘that he asked me to marry him.’
As you looked at the engagement ring, you could see that Molly was glowing. She had been transformed.
‘Wow Molly. Congratulations!’ you exclaim, ‘how do you feel.’
‘There is a bit deep down inside of mind that is really happy, and more importantly at peace.’
‘Maybe,’ you venture, ‘the two loves are happily co-existing.’
Molly smiled and nodded. No words need to be said.
‘Well I am really happy for the both of you. I really am. He is a great bloke, and I am sure you will continue the journey.’
‘Yes and set some sheets alight,’ said Molly whimsically, ‘it looks like we are going to sell both of our houses, and find a new place, where we can find our place in the world together.’
‘Gee, are you ready for that?’ you ask.
‘Yes I think I am, as I am taking him with me, and the moments we shared.’
‘Will there be a wedding?’
‘Oh just a simple little ceremony. Nothing fancy. Just a good start to a continuing adventure,’ Molly paused for a moment, ‘there is an invitation with your name on it, if you like.’
You looked at Molly, who went from a smile to a concerned look, and then it dawned on her, ‘you won’t be coming.’
You shook your head, ‘there would be nothing better to see you get married again, but the journey needs to continue without me,’ you paused for a moment, ‘its for the best.’
‘Oh my goodness, this is really it,’ exclaimed Molly.
‘I think it might be,’ you reply, ‘these sessions have meant much to me. I would never have thought such conversations even existed. You have been a blessing Molly.’
‘And you have literally saved my life,’ exclaimed Molly, ‘if it was not for you, I would still be,’ a tear came to her eye, ‘locked in my house, all alone. But because of you I have found love again.’
‘That was all you Molly. You did the work, and you have been able to reconcile what is going on within you, and because of that, you are ready.’
‘There are no words,’ said Molly rising out of her seat, ‘you are like……an…….angel that was sent just for me.’
She had her arms outstetched, and you went over and hugged her.
It was a beautiful moment, and beyond words to symbolise the journey, that often went so far beyond words.
‘Goodbye Molly, I will never forget you. I sincerely wish you all the best for you continuing journey.’
‘And for you as well. I can now honestly say the silence is over.’
You smiled at her for the last time, and then left.
Mixed emotions where whirring aroung inside of you. Part of you wanted to be around, and to be at the wedding, but another side knew the time had come.
It would not be a friendship in a physical way, but one for memories, much like Molly and her husband.
You got to the car and was sobbing, and you called your husband.
‘Dar……dar…..darling. Can you come home. I need you.’
The answer came back, ‘I am already here. I kind of thought you might need me.’
Your heart was gladdened as you drove home. Molly had brought a new life into your marriage that you never thought possible. The conversations had transformed you as well.
As you pulled into your driveway, your husband greeted you.
You look down on the doorstep and noticed a camellia on the doorstep.
The inscription read, ‘thank you to the angel sent for me.’
You looked at the camellia, and you looked at your husband. And you ran to his arms.
Silence over.
This commentary in this blog is intended to be general in nature. It is just some observations from one fellow traveller in life to another. If anything in this blog raises issues for you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or consult with a trusted medical professional.
Photo from
Trevor Hayley
Servicing Greater Adelaide and Regional South Australia
Phone: 0409 107 372
ABN 73 737 609 724
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